A Healing JourneyI came to yoga rather late in life....in my 40's. I was initially drawn not only to the physical postures but also to the calming effects of yoga class. I'd leave yoga class feeling pretty blissed out and content.
After a motorcycle accident left me with a crush injury to my left foot, yoga class became a non-impact and non-competitive place where I could work slowly and gently on my recovery. As I practiced and healed, I began to have recurring thoughts about bringing yoga to other people and I started toying with the idea of becoming a yoga teacher. At first, I thought these ideas were ridiculous...after all, I had never been a "jock" or athlete! I worried that I would be laughed out of any training I would try to attend. Eventually, I took a risk and attended a weekend teacher training ...and have been teaching and learning about yoga ever since! So, here I am, more than 16 years into yoga teaching (and 18 years since my accident) and my passion for bringing yoga to beginners and those that think they "can't do yoga" continues. It all comes down to this: Yoga is a powerful practice for living that has created a new sense of health and vitality for me. It is my heartfelt hope that I can have an opportunity to bring yoga to others, so they might also experience the joy of movement, the steadiness and power of breath, and the vast reserves of strength, resilience, and healing that are within each one of us. May all people be happy, may all people be healthy, may all people live with ease. |